ICOMP Statement on European Parliament’s Resolution

Given Google’s dominance in search and search advertising, and its persistent discrimination against rivals in downstream markets (such as video, maps, comparison shopping, travel, local etc), it is unsurprising that critics are concerned by what economists describe as ‘vertical leveraging’.

Structural solutions are commonly considered in such cases and have been successfully imposed in a variety of sectors including water, telecoms and public service broadcasting.

The European Parliament’s Resolution does not take a position on the question, merely asks the Commission to consider it among a number of possible solutions to the Google problem. Indeed, the Motion goes no further than to lend its support for the full application of the existing legislative framework.

In those circumstances, the stance of the European Parliament is a great deal less surprising and a great deal more measured than much of the reaction.

Critics of Google’s behaviour come from across the board and around the Globe. They include consumer organisations, content creators, technology companies as well as competitors. Their arguments are well thought through and in line with past Commission practice. What has been missing is a thorough open and transparent debate as to what is in the best interest of European consumers. The European Parliament’s Resolution is a constructive contribution to that debate.”