BAPLA FOCUS 2017: A look back

BAPLA wishes to extend a big thank you to the speakers and attendees who made this year’s BAPLA FOCUS a success.

Nearly one hundred picture agency people, media buyers and industry suppliers attended the day at the Museum of London. The stylish concrete and muted-colour interiors at our new venue suited BAPLA well; purposeful discussion in the conference room was complemented by relaxed intermingling in the garden and refreshment areas.

Our stand-out speaker was David Slater. His ‘monkey selfie’ image is famous around the world, as is his recently settled copyright battle with PETA.  Much newer to the audience was the lifetime of passion and experience that lies behind the shoot where he coaxed a monkey into using a remote control to create a memorable image.

Alongside established industry experts including Anna Skurczynska (Open Plan Law), Eddy Leviten (Alliance for IP), Steve Hercher (360Cities), Giancarlo Zucotto (Science Photo Library), Guy Thorneloe (Getty Images) and Sonia Bouadma (Greenlight), the audience heard from names to watch for the future:  Masha McConaghy (BigchainDB), Olga Egorsheva (Lobster.Media), Benji Lanyado (Picfair), Rachael Kennedy (Storyful) and Alastair Reid (Press Association).  

A range of industry experts offered a host of insights, including:

- Demystifying virtual reality as a content type and a market

- Radically different approaches to simplifying rights for picture users

- Lobbying opportunities, copyright issues and likely business scenarios during Brexit

- The dangers when image users don’t consider third party rights

- Using blockchain, tracking technologies and image distribution to track rights and usage online

- How journalists verify sources and accuracy of social media content in the age of ‘fake news’

BAPLA is especially grateful to this year’s FOCUS sponsors: Capture, COPYTRACK, ImageRights International and SmartFrame.

BAPLA FOCUS 2017, Tuesday 26 September 2017, Museum of London - Fake news panel Foto: BAPLA
BAPLA FOCUS 2017, Tuesday 26 September 2017, Museum of London – Fake news panel