CEPIC has now two representatives at IPTC

The CEPIC Board has selected Janos FARKAS, CEO of Clink Media and Serguei FOMIN, CEO of Russian Look as its representative at IPTC.


  • Dear friends!  As the image archive operators we all understand the value of metadata and the role of IPTC. Being a proud member of CEPIC family I am grateful for the opportunity to keep connection and share expertise and ideas among the members of our group and the developers of  data standards.”
    says Serguei FOMIN, CEO of Russian Look
  • On behalf of CLink Media, Inc. I am excited to represent CEPIC at IPTC. I am honored by the opportunity to contribute to both of these renowned organizations.”
    says Janos FARKAS, CEO of Clink Media


JFarkas-Photo-greyscale   FOMIN
Janos Farkas Serguei Fomin