CEPIC is delighted to announce that Google will once again be a major Congress Partner in 2022

Pre-pandemic visits from Google were the highlights of the 2017, 2018 and 2019 Congresses. During their informative and well-attended workshops, delegates learnt of the different ways they could get the most out of the major global platform including how to better optimize images for Google Search. The sessions provided opportunities for CEPIC attendees to ask questions and share feedback, as well as to hear insightful perspectives from product leaders at Google.

Finally, after two years, Google is back and will be part of the CEPIC Congress in Palma de Mallorca from 25th to 27th May 2022. This year, Google Search will be hosting a panel on Wednesday, May 25th at 11.00 AM covering the topic of Diversity and Inclusion in the Imagery Lifecycle. We are thrilled to welcome back Anna Dickson, Product Manager at Google Search, who previously worked as the Photo Director for Huffington Post and iHeartRadio and Deputy Photo Director for the Wall Street Journal. She has also spoken at many conferences globally, including CEPIC & DMLA, about imagery and the evolving ecosystem. She’ll be joined in conversation by Abhi Chaudhuri, Product Manager and lead for inclusive imagery in Search. Google Cloud will host an additional session in the afternoon on the 25th at 17.30 where Buzz Hays, Google’s Global Lead for Entertainment Industry Solutions, will introduce Media Archives enrichment through Google Cloud.

Over the last few years, CEPIC has been regularly engaged with Google to represent the interest of the photography industry. Google’s attendance at the Congress presents an opportunity for all image agencies and photo libraries to connect with the Google team, share feedback and learn more about how Google is constantly evolving its products to better meet the needs of the visual communication industry.

