#Digital4EU stakeholder forum on Europe’s new digital priorities

#Digital4EU stakeholder forum on Europe’s new digital priorities

The #Digital4EU stakeholder forum will include four main workshops: Single Market 2.0 – Going digital; An empowered, protected consumer; Digital technology and copyright; and Smart Industry.

You are invited to join debates on the four themes described in the draft agenda and outlined below:

  • Single Market 2.0 – Going digital. Today, a business trying to operate across the EU faces 28 national different systems; from data protection to e-commerce rules. This is costly – both for businesses and consumers – and means we are missing out on opportunities.
    Join this session if you want to contribute to the overall vision of a digital single market in Europe.
  • An empowered, protected consumer - In a truly, connected Digital Single Market every consumer should be able to enjoy the same digital content and services – wherever they are in the EU. That requires building trust and confidence in the online world and removing barriers such as geo-blocking.
    Join this session if you want to contribute to our plans for consumer protection, data privacy, and e-commerce.
  • Copyright fit for the digital age – Today, digital technology and copyright are closely interlinked , as technology plays a fundamental role in the way content is created, produced, distributed, accessed, and preserved. What are the challenges and opportunities for copyright in the face of digital technologies? Are our existing EU copyright rules fit for purpose?
    Join this session to find out more about the challenges ahead and help us shape future EU copyright policy.
  • Smart Industry – Digital technologies play an essential role in value creation in all industrial sectors today, and they bring about radical transformation to every aspect of manufacturing and related services.
    Join this session if you want to find out more about smart industry and the implications for policy-making at EU level.


The conference is open to all those interested. So if you are interested please register here for the different thematic sessions