Foodphoto Festival

Food styling I:

Food styling is 50% of a food image. We exhibit the work of food stylist Frauke Koops (Hamburg) – from 1966 untill now. The Japanese food stylist Takako Kuniyuki (N.Y.) exhibits her project “Bubbles”.

Food styling II:
Stevan Paul is a multi talent – cook, food stylist and author. Stevans “Nutriculinary” is the most read food blog in Germany. His conference “The use of social media”  will give you real insider-information. We also will exhibit his work “Gone”, photographed by Andrea Thode.

Food styling III:
Chicago food stylist Mary Valentine will lead a workshop guiding photographers how to achieve better results in restaurants. She also will update us on style and styling trends of the American market in a conference.

If you look into the work of photographer Adrian Mueller you might understand why he loves natural light. He shares his knowledge in a hands-on workshop on daylight-food-photography. 

Registration for the festival will be opened by beginning of July. As a registered  participant you have free access to the conferences, you can schedule portfolio reviews and make use of the network center. Registered participants will get preference in booking workshops.

…one more thing: Hartblei will show new developed specialized TS-lenses. We are looking forward to their presentation.

See you in Vejle