Google’s Information is Power – Info-opoly Power

Google’s Information is Power – Info-opoly Power

Keynote and panel discussion

September 15, 2016, 10:00-12:00 AM

Keynote speaker:

Scott Cleland, Washington, DC, speaking in Brussels for the first time

Scott’s presentation – “Google’s Information is Power – Info-opoly Power” – looks for a bigger overarching scheme and what might be next beyond the on-going investigations. It makes the case that Google’s unmatchable hoard of information makes it an enduring consumer info-opoly. Scott also will introduce new evidence of a broad Google pattern of predatory info-opoly pricing behaviour and also a structural way to consider Google’s multiple dominances from an antitrust perspective.

The findings will reinforce the European Commisson’s preliminary conclusions and charges in the EC’s search, Android, and advertising statements of objections.


  • Scott Cleland Precursor LLC
  • Jacques Lafitte Avisa Partners, GRIP EU
  • Prof. Dr. Damien Geradin EDGE Legal, author of “Android and Competition Law: Exploring and Assessing Google’s Practices in Mobile”, available HERE
  • Jonathan Lockwood Getty Images, VP, Corporate Counsel – to be confirmed
  • Michael Weber ICOMP Chairman


“Science14″ 14 b rue de la Science, 1040 Brussels


Open to: Media, Stakeholders, Interested Parties, EU and EC Officials

Limited seating – please register for participation by e-mail to

About the keynote speaker: Scott Cleland

Scott Cleland was the first analyst to foresee Google would become a global monopoly and the only analyst asked to testify before Congress three times on Google’s antitrust and privacy issues. Cleland is author of “Search & Destroy: Why You Can’t Trust Google Inc” and the widely-read He also is the Publisher of GoogleMonitor a Google accountability website.

Scott Cleland served as Deputy U.S. Coordinator for International Communications & Information Policy in the George H. W. Bush Administration. He is President of Precursor LLC, an internetization consultancy for Fortune 500 companies, some of which are Google competitors. He is also Chairman of NetCompetition a pro-competition e-forum supported by broadband interests.

About the Hosts: ICOMP – the Initiative for a Competitive Online Marketplace

ICOMP is best known for its engagement in the European Commission’s antitrust investigations of Google, and is also following the actions of other players.

Founded in 2008, ICOMP is an industry initiative for organisations and businesses involved in Internet commerce, particularly online publishers, advertisers, Internet service and network providers as well as agencies active in online advertising.

ICOMP’s mission is to promote widespread support for principles that are essential to a healthy online environment. Our key goals are to encourage competition, transparency, data privacy, security and respect for intellectual property protection. ICOMP brings together participants from across the Internet to identify and promote best practices aimed at stimulating creativity and innovation and foster an online environment founded on security, respect and trust.


Chairman: Michael Weber,

EU Transparency Register ID number: 94410281407-45