Rights Data Integration Final Conference



Innovation in Copyright Management
9 December 2015, 14:00 – 18:00
Metropôle Hotel, Place de Brouckèreplein 31, 1000 Brussels

The conference will present the results of the EU co-funded project “Rights Data Integration,” which will demonstrate an automatable and interoperable solution for the Digital Content Network. 
Agenda and registration: http://bit.ly/1LPSors 

Confirmed speakers and panelists:  Robert Madelin, Senior Innovation Adviser, European Commission, Richard Hooper CBE,  Chairman Copyright Hub, Vera Castanheira, Head of Legal and Licensing (AGICOA), Luc Audrain, Head of Digitalisation (Hachette Livre), Agustin Reyna, Senior Legal Officer  (BEUC), Godfrey Rust, Technical Work Lead RDI project/Rightscom. Andrew Farrow, RDI Project Coordinator, Rightscom. Moderator: Per Strömbäck, Editor Netopia www.netopia.eu

Please register by  3 December, 2015
 www.rdi-project.org  or directly at rdi@europe-analytica.com

BLOG Article of Angela Mills Wade on the RDI project is useful, Click here: RDIblog-1

The Linked Content Coalition @linked_content will be tweeting live from the event  

under #rdi-event2015