robertharding announces new ‘good to go’ license

The stock photography world is changing fast, and constantly throwing up new challenges. robertharding – a high-end, world leader in travel imagery, is taking a pioneering approach to creating new and exciting ways of working, meaning that the work of the new generation of photographer can find the new generation of image buying client in the easiest way possible.

In today’s climate many clients pay for convenience, and they demand a user-friendly licensing experience, as well as a more immediate, integrated way to pay for the images that they need.

Our customer licensing experience for buying images and video is a much simpler, more streamlined process, adapted to the needs and capacities of our clients with fast moving deadlines.

Using a clean and intuitive interface, customers only need a couple of clicks to buy an easier-to-understand ‘good to go’ license adapted for their projects. This is designed to improve the experience for both the seasoned and non-experienced picture buyers that find themselves sourcing imagery in today’s market.

Our streamlined e-commerce transactions are also enhanced by the integration of Stripe, dubbed as the best online payment option for ‘forward thinking businesses around the world’.

Click HERE to check it out!