
All posts related to this category.

EU: More Money for Culture

Stakeholders representing the creative sector in Brussels have signed an open letter in support of a raise of the EU budget allocated to Creative Europe, a programme aimed at supporting the cultural and creative sectors within the EU.

EU Platform-to-Business Regulation

The platform-to-business regulation has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

CEPIC supports SNAPIG against the Open Access project

The SNAPIG (National Union of Photographic Agencies of General Illustration), French national association member of our coordination, has brought to CEPIC's knowledge the project envisaged by major French museums to start "Open Access" for the high-definition photographic reproductions of their collections.

Statement on the EU Copyright Directive

CEPIC welcomes the adoption of the EU copyright directive as the recognition of the important role played by online sharing platforms in the online eco-system dealing with copyrighted material.

Statement on Works of Visual Arts in the Public Domain

CEPIC expresses its extreme disappointment at the EU copyright Directive as we see that last minute compromises were reached that will directly hurt CEPIC members specialised in fine art, history and vintage photography.

EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market

On 05 July 2018 the European Parliament voted against the negotiation proposed by the Legal Affairs Committee, adopted on 20 June 2018, for the EU Copyright Directive proposal. CEPIC regrets this rejection following four years of tireless work with EU institutions but will continue to work towards a balanced solution for a fair online marketplace for the creative sector and against online piracy.

Copyright: MEPs update rules for the digital age

Plans to update of EU copyright rules for today’s online world and ensure fair pay for artists and journalists were backed bv the Legal Affairs Committee on Wednesday.

European Commercial Broadcasters across Europe look to EU Parliament to address short-comings of Council position on Copyright dossier

Associations of commercial broadcasters across Europe (ACT, ABBRO, AKTV, ARCA, and the commercial broadcasters associated in CRTV) express their concerns regarding the Council negotiation mandate and the legal uncertainty that will result from it.

CEPIC 2025

CEPIC 2025 promises even more business opportunities – and more enjoyment – than ever before. Set in the South of France, it’s an unmissable opportunity to network with an array of visual media professionals from across the globe, make contacts and do good business.