Workshop follows series of meetings between Google and CEPIC to establish closer ties between the search engine and photo community
Berlin, 24 May 2017 – As part of its annual Congress on 31.05.2018, CEPIC is partnering with Google and IPTC to host two sessions, both of which are open to the public, focusing on how visual authors can leverage Google Images.
Since 2013, CEPIC has been working to foster a mutually beneficial relationship between the visual sector and Google, specifically in relation to Google Images. In 2017, several meetings took place in Berlin and Paris bringing together representatives from Google and CEPIC, as well as visual authors and businesses, to actively discuss the future of the industry and foster a positive relationship between these groups.
This year, at the CEPIC Congress, Google is partnering with CEPIC to answer the photo community’s most pressing questions about Google Images.
On Thursday, 31 May 2018, Google speaker Gary Illyes will present the one-hour workshop Understanding Google Image Search and How to Optimize For It, which will be held at the Maritim ProArte Hotel in Berlin from 15:00 to 16:15. Gary will discuss the steps Google Images has taken to balance user and publisher needs.
The workshop will be immediately followed by a panel on "Smart Photos and Smart Search Engines” from 16.30 H to 18.00 H. Executives Luca Forlin from Google and Stan Assier from Qwant will discuss how each search engine processes photos found on the web and presents them in search results. This workshop and panel discussion will allow participants to have their most pressing questions answered related to the protection of photos online.
These sessions are part of the CEPIC Congress but are exceptionally open to the public. To obtain an invitation to the Afternoon Session and Google Image Search Workshop and Panel on Thursday 31 May at the Maritim ProArte Hotel in Berlin, please contact
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About the CEPIC Congress 2018
The CEPIC Congress will take place in Berlin at the Maritim ProArte Hotel from Wednesday 30 May to Friday 1 June 2018. With up to 500 participants, the annual CEPIC is the largest global gathering of the international photo community representing 90% of the market worldwide. The CEPIC Congress offers a networking area for picture businesses, social activities, panel sessions on the latest industry trends ; every year it hosts the IPTC/ Metadata conference.
As the Center of the Picture Industry, CEPIC federates 600 picture agencies and photo libraries in 20 countries across Europe, both within and outside the European Union. It has affiliates in North America and Asia. CEPIC’s membership includes large and smaller stock photo libraries, major photo news agencies, art galleries and museums, video companies. CEPIC has among its members the big global players such as Getty, Shutterstock or Reuters. Through this membership, CEPIC represents more than 250.000 authors in direct licensing. The annual CEPIC Congress extends CEPIC’s network on all five continents. It is the largest global gathering of the international photo community representing 90% of the market worldwide. CEPIC has been a member of WIPO since 1997, IPTC since 2005, of the Linked Content Coalition since 2012 and of Creativity Works! since 2014 and FairSearch since 2015. It was a partner of ARROW PLUS between 2011 and 2013 and leads on the image work package of the Rights Data Integration project in 2013 – 2015.
In 2013, based on a coalition of 20 organisations in the visual sector in Europe and in the US, CEPIC lodged a competition complaint at the European Commission.
CEPIC was a member of ICOMP between 2009 and 2016 and now of the OIP since 2017.