July 29, 2021
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CLINK is a new member of CEPIC

CLink Media, Inc. (CLink) builds authentication and licensing tools to facilitate legitimate use of online content. CLink is developing a platform for peer-to-peer licensing of online content including authenticated images and other online media. The license and rights status of the online content are tracked in a searchable registry available to the public.

CLink is a member and active participant in standards organizations including the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) and the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA). CLink is also a member of JPEG ad hoc working groups concerning Fake Media and NFT.

CLink’s tools and platform incorporate features outlined in two projects CEPIC was instrumental in:

- Rights Data Integration
- Image License in Google Images

Earlier this year, CLink co-presented the CEPIC Technology Webinar “Authentication in Times of Fake News” with Adobe and The New York Times.

CLink was a sponsor of the CEPIC webinar: "Authenticity in the Time of Fake News"

Other News on CLink on this website:
CLink becomes a member of the Content Authenticity Initiative

Janos Farkas, Speaker at the CEPIC Technology Webinar

More about CEPIC