Elsa Bizet is Client Relation Executive at PixWays, the French leader in tracking photographs on the web, through its PixTrakk service.
PixTrakk is an innovative tool which detects the usage of images on the web and verifies where, when, how and by whom photographs are being used.
A legal service is also available through a team of international lawyers who take charge, without any pre-payment, of the recovery of rights for any photo or image illegally used.
Before coordinating PixTrakk, Elsa has been working for the SCAM (Société Civile des auteurs multimedias) a French authors’ rights organization. She previously handled photo shooting sessions for various photo agencies (Magnum Photos, Graphix Images, Picturetank). Elsa is passionate with photography and is involved in “Les Filles de la Photo”, a French women network focusing on the promotion and mutual support of photography professionals.
We’re pleased to have Elsa Bizet as speaker at the CEPIC Enforcement Webinar on 4 March.