July 1, 2021
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Fergus McKenna: Speaker of the CEPIC Cultural Heritage Webinar on 6 July

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Fergus Mckenna is Content Sales Director for Reach plc, the largest commercial national and regional news publisher in the UK. Millions of people rely on Reach for news, sport and entertainment content every day and Reach newsbrands serve their communities as prominent champions, campaigners and newsmakers. This core purpose remains much the same today as it has been for hundreds of years.

Leading the group’s licensing division, Fergus enjoys delivering new and innovative ways to drive the use and interpretation of Reach’s extensive intellectual property assets.  Given the company’s vast publishing heritage, archives are a key element of Reach’s IP portfolio and a fundamental pillar of Reach’s continued commercial growth.

Fergus also sits on the boards of NLA Media Access and Picsel.

We’re please to have Fergus McKenna in the panel of the CEPIC Cultural Heritage: Technology, Access and Value: balancing dissemination, protection and profitability in the Cultural Heritage sector on 6th July 2021.



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