March 2, 2021
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Ute Krebs: Speaker of the CEPIC Enforcement Webinar

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Ute studied histoy of art and history at UCL in London where she stayed for the next 20 years. She worked for the London office of akg-images, first as a a picture researcher, eventually taking over the running of the office before moving to the head office in Berlin to create a marketing strategy and social media profile for the three akg offices. A short stint at the Berlin office of Bridgeman Images followed before she moved on to Copytrack.

Having worked with photographers for many years through picture libraries, she is acutely aware of how the internet has changed the situation for many photographers and image providers. Copyright theft is rife, sometimes through ignorance, but more often through the assumption that everything on the internet is free.

In her spare time she is involved in the 1920s scene in Berlin. In this context she has been interviewed for Deutsche Welle, been hired for official parties in 1920s style and also had a couple of bit parts in drama documentary and music video.

CEPIC is pleased to have Ute Krebs in the panel of the CEPIC Enforcement Webinar: Best Practices in Post-Licensing on 4 March.


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