CEPIC welcomes vAIsual as Affiliate Member !

vAIsual is a technology company pioneering algorithms and solutions to generate synthetic licensed stock media and beyond.

Founded by stock media legends Michael Osterrieder and Nico Menijes, together with business industry veterans Istvan Novak and Mark MilsteinvAIsual generates content that is nothing short of metamorphic.

Few events in the history of photography have been heralded as much as the arrival of synthetic media. Throughout history, men and women have visually expressed themselves using an infinite variety of methods on every surface imaginable. From smudging plant extracts and charcoal against stone walls, to inducing chemical reactions on celluloid and more recently capturing light on silicon sensors at the heart of digital cameras. Each tool, however, had its limitations. Enter a new era. Leveraging the endless possibilities offered by generative adversarial networks, vAIsual is at the forefront of tomorrow’s visual media future today. While the spark of human creativity will likely never be replaced, every artist and non-artist will soon be able to create visual content without any additional tools; only using words and sliders to generate their vision. Commercial content, social content, even memories and dreams will be translated into pixels by simple commands and adjustments created by artificial intelligence.

Lets vAIsualize the human vision. vAIsual is your algorithmic camera.


Synthetic Humans Collection   Synthetic Humans Collection Synthetic Humans Collection



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