Finally act against Google’s anti-competitive practices

Google keeps users to itself, and no longer plays the role of an intermediary to direct users to the vast wealth of Internet websites. It captures them and directly offers content produced by others, depriving them of their intellectual property rights.

CEPIC, EFJ, & EVA: Joint letter on Framing to the European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee

CEPIC, the European Federation of Journalists and EVA for visual authors have signed a common open letter to the members of the European Parliament to attract their attention on the issue of Framing/ Embedding of Pictures. The jurisprudence set by the Court of Justice of the European Union on the use of framing/embedding technology must urgently be corrected by the European legislator.

A Europe that protects: Commission reinforces EU response to illegal content online

In its Communication of September 2017 on tackling illegal content online, the European Commission promised to monitor progress in tackling illegal content online and assess whether additional measures are needed to ensure the swift and proactive detection and removal of illegal content online, including possible legislative measures to complement the existing regulatory framework.

On the Google-Getty agreement

CEPIC has received with interest the news about a cooperation agreement which has been reached between Getty Images and Google Inc., two leaders in their respective field.

Google Shopping Case

The link to the decision of the European Commission on the Google Shopping Case is posted here.

ICT Proposer Day, Budapest

With the ambition of tackling another European project involving technology and visual data, CEPIC took part in the ICT Proposers Day organised in Budapest on 8th to 10th November.

Commission to invest €30 billion in new solutions for societal challenges and breakthrough innovation

Brussels, 27 October 2017 The European Commission today announced how it will spend €30 billion of the EU research and innovation funding programme Horizon 2020 during 2018-2020, including €2.7 billion to kick-start a European Innovation Council. Horizon 2020, the EU’s €77 billion research and innovation funding programme, supports scientific excellence in Europe and has contributed … Continued

IPTC to Update RightsML to Align With W3C’s ODRL

IPTC is looking for members and experts with experience in defining licensing information in a machine-readable way to help adapt IPTC’s RightsML standard according to the new ODRL Recommendation, which will specifically address the needs of the news industry.

Vote in JURI Commission postponed. What does it mean?

The vote in the Legal Committee (JURI) of the European Parliament on the Report on the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market has been postponed for the second time. Why and what does it mean?