Digital Single Act and Digital Market Act

The current regulations for digital services and online platforms in the EU are 20 years old. The EU Commission presented its plans for new digital laws yesterday, on December 15th.

EU Stakeholders write to German government

In an usual move a coalition of EU stakeholders, including CEPIC, have sent the attached joint letter of EU stakeholders, listing their concerns regarding the German implementation draft of article 17.

Digital Service Act and Digital Market Act (2020)

The EU Commission presented its plans for new digital laws on December 15th 2020. The current regulations for digital services and online platforms in the EU are 20 years old. CEPIC participated in the EU public consultation in August/September. All links and documents may be found in this area.

Creativity Works! welcomes the IP Action Plan

Creativity Works!, a leading European coalition of the creative and cultural sectors, welcomes the 25 November Action Plan on Intellectual Property as a way of “making the most of the EU’s innovative potential”.

Up-date on the campaign to include “culture” in the EU recovery fund

The pandemic is having a major impact on the creative industries. The Coronavirus Response Investment Initiative is a welcome sign of support for the sector, although funds have yet to reach businesses. The creative industries should be recognised as a key sector in the recovery funds.

Licensing model instead of upload filters

Licensing model instead of upload filters: BVPA and VG Bild-Kunst are aiming for a comprehensive collective licence for the use of professional image material on social media platforms

Article 17 EC guidelines: letter to EU Commissioner Thierry Breton

Alongside CEPIC’s submission to the Article 17 guidelines consultation, CEPIC has  joined 21 right holders organisations representing a very broad range of media and creative sectors in Europe in a letter to Commissioner Thierry Breton. Signatories raise concerns regarding the European Commission’s proposed guidance on the application of Article 17 of the DSM Directive and express their serious concern that, in … Continued