IPTC’s News at a Crossroads symposium – come and see what happened

IPTC is celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2015. The “News at a Crossroads” Symposium was the culminating event of our celebrations. Categories of change were examined separately with presentations and a discussion, open to the floor, and in a fourth session brought together to examine the crossroads and see how their findings might benefit each other.

The IPTC hits 50 with a seminar about the future of news

The IPTC has marked it’s 50th birthday with a seminar in London called ‘News at a Crossroads – Navigating a Changing Landscape’. The afternoon seminar gave us a high speed ride through changes in the news industry now and in the future.

Digital Rights Management in JPEG? Is DRM back?

It is with great interest that CEPIC members have taken note of the intention of the JPEG’s Joint Expert Group to integrate DRM (Digital Rights Management) into an extended JPEG standard. Is it a new promising method allowing to fight against a high and raising rate of online piracy ?

RDI Workshop – 7 October 2015

You are cordially invited to participate in a workshop about the work currently on-going to establish an interoperable and functional rights data network for creative works, and to discuss how amateur/professional authors, and end-users can benefit from and provide feedback on this development.

Google responds to EU charges

On 27 August, Google has sent a response to the SO (Statement of Objections) issued in April this year.

Survey on Google Images closing on 28 August

Have you taken ten minutes of your time to defend our industry?

CEPIC has been requested by the European Commission to send information on the use of Google Images. We have data from 79 agencies so far, from all across Europe.