Copyright: Germany on Article 17

On 1st of July, the German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection published a discussion paper on the implementation of Art.17.

Rich Results Testing Tool

Approaching the launch of the licensable image badge CEPIC members ahould be aware that a more robust structured data ( validation tool (Rich Results Testing Tool) is now available.

Europe’s cultural and creative sectors call for ambitious EU budgetary measures to get through the COVID-19 crisis

Europe’s cultural and creative sectors were among the first and hardest hit by the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. They will also be among the last. Across Europe, almost all cultural activities have been cancelled or postponed indefinitely, while venues and retailers have closed with disastrous consequences for all creators’ and cultural and creative professionals’ livelihoods, as well as the ecosystem as a whole. Millions of jobs are on the line.

#saveEUculture – Open letter and petition

“It is our responsibility to protect and support the cultural ecosystem and creators all over Europe in order to ensure that they can continue to create culture, during these difficult times and in the future.”

France: Report on “automated image referencing services”

The report of Professor Pierre Sirinelli on “automated image referencing services” (i.e. image search engines) has been published. The report proposes an update of the French law of July 2016 which imposed a mandatory collective management system on image search engines and whose implementing decree had never been published.

From the usefulness of visual recognition tools to enforce copyright

A recent government report in France has analysed how digital tools may be used for the The protection of intellectual property rights on online sharing platforms. It’s a must read in the context of the implementation of the EU Copyright Directive and of Art. 17.