
Archived: Exhibition “Memory of the Berlin Wall” to take place during 2018 CEPIC Congress

“1948, June 24th  – A total blockade is declared by the Soviet Union against the West Allies and the population of West-Berlin.”

During the 2018 CEPIC congress the exhibition “Memory of the Berlin Wall” will be taking place in the Martime Hotel. This is the perfect opportunity for all delegates to have in-depth look into the history of Berlin, and the chaotic story of a once divided city.

The exhibition covers the entire story with insightful texts and images. It will be located in the Lunch area for delegates to enjoy at any time. 

wall exhibition
Image by Christian Bourguignon

 “In the night of August 12 – 13 1961,50,000 soldiers and armed policemenwho only a few hours before had noidea about what their mission was, lnedup along the border of the allied (France, Gr eat Britain, and the USA) and Soviet sectors of Berlin. They blocked offstreets and passages, stacked up perpends, and unrolled barbed wire.”

 Make sure to look out for the full story during the CEPIC Congress!

Exhibit Credits:

Photograph and Text / Christian Bourguignon, Allegorical texts / Pascal Chipot, Participant Photograph and graffiti-sprayer /Marco Ziebarth – Jan Kablau, Graffiti-sprayer / Jan Kablau – Marco Ziebarth