Welcome Reception 2020 sponsored by PicRights

The Welcome Reception is a classic at CEPIC. With very few exceptions, it has been the opening evening for many years as it welcomes delegates who arrive one day before Congress begin.

CEPIC is pleased to bring you the Welcome Reception on 26 May 2020 on the amazing terrace of the Gran Melá Victoria Hotel in Plama de Mallorca. The evenng is sponsored by PicRights, CEPIC Platinum Sponsor in 2020.

Get ready to meet the picture industry in one of the hottest spots in Mallorca overlooking the seaside promenade and the port of Palma.

Make sure you register for CEPIC and start networking right from the copa de vino.

CEPIC Congress fees and registration >


Gran Melia Victoria - Terraza 870 px