Copyright Directive: Be Informed, Have Your Say!

Be informed, have your say! Myth and Reality of Art.13

This infographic was put together by Dreamstime

DMLA infographic 3 final

Facts and Agenda

  • On 14 September 2016: the European Commission presents a draft Directive to modernize copyright in the Digital Single Market
  • From October 2016 to June 2018, the draft directive goes through five Committees of the European Parliament. Many thousands amendments are put forward to modify the original text. CEPIC’s proposals focus on including “framing” and on preserving the core of the “value gap” provisions.
  • 25 May 2018: the Council agrees on a common position
  • On 20 June 2018, the Legal Committee of the European Parliament adopts with a clear majority the Report of MEP Voss proposing an amended version of the draft copyright directive
  • June-July 2018: Unprecendented fear-mongering campaign in media and to MEPS to reject “link tax” (Art. 11) and “up-load filters” (Art.13) . Google alone is reported having spent € 31 million on lobbying against the Directive. MEPs complain of spams and abusive calls, even death threats.
  • On 05 June 2018, the European Parlament rejects the mandate to enter in a dialoge with the two other EU institutions, European Commission and Council
  • Additional amendments may be sent to modify Voss report until 06 September 
  • A new vote in Plenary is scheduled on 12 September

What happens next if the vote in Plenary is negative?

Most probably the European Commission will withdraw ist proposal. The issue of the value gap and of the liability of the platforms will be left to the next Commission and Parliament after the European elections in 2019. Europe will have failed to protect creators and the Creative Industry.