Meet The Author in pictures


Meet the Authors, held on May 30th in Brussels, allowed discussions around better value sharing between creators and UUC platforms.

Andrus Ansip delivering keynote speech
Andrus Ansip delivering keynote speech
Prof. Pierre Sirinelli,  David El Sayegh and MEP Helga Trüpel at Meet the Author conference
Prof. Pierre Sirinelli, David El Sayegh and MEP Helga Trüpel at Meet the Author conference

 The conference comes along with a series of important legislative activity regarding copyright and internet regulation. “Asked about what needs to be addressed most urgently at a European level, here are some answers from European authors.” #MeetAuthors 30 May 2017 on vimeo. 

In the public, spot Sylvie Fodor as attendant to the conference
In the public, spot Sylvie Fodor as attendant to the conference
Veronique Desbrosses and Jan A. P. Kaczmarek pictured during the conference
Veronique Desbrosses and Jan A. P. Kaczmarek pictured during the conference

 Were gathered at this event artists from all over europe , importants decision-makers, states reprensents and European MEPs.

 Click here to see the full call read by Daniel Buren.

Please click here to see also the press release.