Summary & Presentations: “Innovation in Copyright Management” RDI Project Conference 9 December

With all the complex, hard technological work completed, Godfrey Rust, the RDI project technical lead, (Rightscom) supported by project partners Gabriella Scipione Project Manager at Cineca, Sergi Griño, CEO at Album, Paola Mazzucchi, Business Development Manager at mEDRA, and Dominic Young, CEO of the Copyright Hub demonstrated in real time how users can discover who controls content or can offer licenses for media content such as text, music, images and video. Delegates were shown, for example, how a user could find an image on the internet, drag it onto an image finder and immediately find all the rights information in plain, easy to understand terms and, where appropriate, obtain a licence.
European Commission Senior Innovation Adviser, Robert Madelin, praised the project saying that this project gave him “optimism about European copyright management.” He congratulated the participants on what they had achieved and acknowledged that the initial challenge had been posed by former European Commissioner Neelie Kroes who called for a “Big Idea for the Digital Agenda”. LCC/RDI made Madelin think that more R&D should be coming out of Brussels and that more work such as RDI was urgent in the context of European copyright reform.
Richard Hooper, CBE, Chairman of the Copyright Hub called for creative companies to implement RDI.  He quoted the figure of 38% – the number of people who wished to re-use content back in 2013, but didn’t because they couldn’t identify the rightsholder.  He also said that the creative industry needs to be tougher on streaming services that aren’t licensed.
In the panel discussion that rounded up the day, Vera Castanheira, Head of Legal and Licensing (AGICOA), Luc Audrain, Head of Digitalisation (Hachette Livre), Agustin Reyna, Senior Legal Officer (BEUC), Raphael Anselli, Senior Vice President, Technology (Kobalt Music Group), Richard Hooper CBE, Chairman (Copyright Hub Foundation), Sylvie Fodor, Executive Director CEPIC, and Godfrey Rust, Technical work lead RDI project/Rightscom agreed that experts need to educate consumers about copyright; and, probably most importantly, that RDI/LCC should have a life beyond the project and must forge ahead and promote the interoperable standard that has been achieved to help achieve, in the words of the Copyright Hub, “Copyright Done Right.”
The day was moderated by the excellent Per Strömbäck, editor ‘Netopia’.

Link to RDI project presentation (ppt) :
Link to speech by Richard Hooper, CBE:

EurActiv blogpost: 
IP Watch:
Future Media Lab:

