Survey on ECL (Extended Collective Licensing) in the UK

We are requesting your participation in a short online survey to ascertain what is understood by ECL and what more needs to be looked at. Although the planned changes are directed to a UK audience they will, none the less, affect those outside the UK, if they have sold work in the UK, or are represented by a third party agent etc.

Why complete the survey:

This is an opportunity to have your individual say on ECL and how it may affect your business in the future. This information gained will allow us to help you better understand the ECL process, what your colleagues within your sector feel about ECL and how a potential simplified Opt-Out procedure could be put in place.

The survey has been sent to BAPLA, Museum Copyright Group, Focal, BPC, Authors associations, PPA, through Jim Pickerel and other blogs.

Who we are:

We are a group of independent authors and rights strategists who want to take this survey to a cross section of the creative industries we think might most be affected; this includes photography, illustration, footage and text. This is a voluntary independent survey on ECL to look at the practicalities of an ECL licensing scheme for rights holders. With the information gathered from this survey we will report back to relevant parties such as rights holders (if you permit us to be in touch), collecting societies and the IPO.

With only have three months to act, it would be very helpful if you can think of colleagues within your sector that might want to take part, please pass on this link:

We would really appreciate your participation. Surveys will be collected up till 12pm 17 June 2014.