Pyramide Europe Joins Open Letter Against Framing

 We’re very happy to announce that Pyramide Europe has joined the battle against framing. Alongside CEPIC, EFJ, and EVA, Pyramide Europe are working to protect creators by highlighting the issues of and bringing an end to image framing/embedding. 

This legal loophole in the law allows creator’s work to be used for any purpose online without payment. For more details please check out the open letter here.


About Pyramide Europe  

Pyramide Europe is the organization representing mainly groups of professional photographers, but some of the members represent also graphic designers, illustrators and other visual artists in the European Union. The Pyramide Europe members represent over 20000 photographers and other visual authors. Pyramide’s name comes from the site of its first meeting in 1989, the Pyramide of the Louvre in Paris, where the founding members signed a declaration of ten items of fundamental legislative importance to photographers and artists – the Manifesto of the Pyramide. This manifesto binds Pyramide and encompasses the rights of creators with regard to their copyright and moral rights. As a European Economic Interest Group, Pyramide Europe represents many of the member states and is establishing contacts with the new group of nations.
