Johan Andersson will be speaking at the Crowdsourcing Seminar which will be held on Friday, 5th of June from 10:00 to 11:00 during the CEPIC Congress 2015 in Warsaw.
Johan Andersson has a broad background ranging from the service industry to tech with the common denominator of focusing on the customer experience which is at the center of his attention. Prior to PicHit Johan worked with TeliaSonera, Europe’s 5th largest telecom operator. At the global competence center for UX and design he supported all 18 brands within the group, from Nepal in the east to Norway in the west and gained valuable understanding in cultural differences and how to reach customer success for the premises they had locally at the same time leveraging global strength in development. He was also one of the driving forces behind the digital rebranding of TeliaSonera major brands in 2010 as well as starting up the UX transformation program within the group to change the mindset of the operator to focus more on the customer. At PicHit he aims to create a customer centric company and to create a service that engages people from around the world to start using more photos. The right way.