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Let's build a world-class AI that respects literary and artistic property rights
In a letter signed by 70 professional organisations in France, including CEPIC's members the UPP and SAPHIR, the creative industry has, in the context of the Trilogue on the draft European Regulation on artificial intelligence, the AI Act, turned to the French Prime Minister calling for France's strong commitment on behalf of the cultural and creative sector.
European creators and right holders call for meaningful transparency obligations on AI systems to ensure the lawful use of copyright-protected content.
Europe has a unique opportunity to show global leadership on an AI framework.
Full agenda announced for the IPTC Photo Metadata Conference 2022 next week!
CEPIC will introduce the "AI Ethical Guidelines for Responsible Re-Use and Production of VISUAL CONTENT" at the IPTC Photo Metadata Conference on 10 Novembre
CEPIC Working Group on Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence has made considerable progress in recent years. New tools, new players and also new content have appeared in the visual media licensing industry - some of them are now CEPIC members. Also, legislation around the world is shaping up, as competition between trading blocks (mainly US, EU and Asia) for dominance in this area intensifies.

WAR IN UKRAINE : Nick Fedirko Testimony
I asked, “Are you going to kill me?” He replied: “We’ll see.”
Best Practice Working Group on Copyright Enforcement delivers Guidelines
In August 2021 CEPIC created a working group on Best Practices in Copyright Enforcement. The group, made up equally of agencies and service companies, has completed its work and produced a list of recommendations the CEPIC Best Practices in Copyright Tracking.

Cultural and creative industries could hold the key to rebuilding Europe’s battered economy
New study reveals that cultural and creative industries could hold the key to rebuilding Europe’s battered economy.

CEPIC 2025
CEPIC 2025 promises even more business opportunities – and more enjoyment – than ever before. Set in the South of France, it’s an unmissable opportunity to network with an array of visual media professionals from across the globe, make contacts and do good business.