Artificial Intelligence ("AI") has made considerable progress in recent years. With increasing computing power, improved algorithms and the availability of massive amounts of visual data, AI has the power of shaping the digital marketplace for visual content creators and producers and distrupting the picture industry market with new players, new tools, new content.
The afternoon of Wednesday 25.05 will therefore be devoted to the use of Artificial Intelligence: Is AI an enabler of image content, How is it possible to make money with AI, what are the different uses that will make your business flourish …
These conferences are sponsored by CEPIC member Mobiuslab (More info here)
The afternoon will feature two panels.
The panel will be moderated by Will HANNAN, Chief Commercial Officer at Mobius Labs
Speakers include Edouard van AREM, Manager Photo of ANP. Other speakers tba.
Moderated by Visual Technology Expert, Paul MELCHER, there will be presentations of Appu SHAJI, CEO and Chief Scientist at Mobius Labs, Michael OSTERRIEDER, co-fonder and CEO of VAisual,Dr. Yair ADATO, co-fonder and CEO of BRIA.
Date and Time of Afternoon
This post will be up-dated as information on speakers is available.