Visual Content is facing its revolution.

CEPIC, International Association of the Media Licensing Industry, is pleased to announce the release of version 2 of its AI Ethical Guidelines for Responsible Re-Use and Production of Visual Content. The Guidelines are now also available in French. The Guidelines provide a framework for ethical and responsible use of AI in the Re-Use and Production of visual content.

CEPIC Working Group on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has made considerable progress in recent years. New tools, new players and also new content have appeared in the visual media licensing industry – some of them are now CEPIC members. Also, legislation around the world is shaping up, as competition between trading blocks (mainly US, EU and Asia) for dominance in this area intensifies.


As part of a wide coalition of cultural and creative organisations, CEPIC co-signed the attached statement to urge the European Parliament to make meaningful improvements to the text of the Digital Services Act that will be voted on in plenary on Thursday 20th January. Read the full statement .