
Archived: Annual Industry Party 2016 at the MSU in Zagreb

We are pleased to announce that the closing event of this year’s congress – The Annual Industry Party – will take place in the Museum of Contemporary Art (MSU) in Zagreb on Friday, 27th May.

“The Museum of Contemporary Art is the present-day name for Zagreb Municipal Galleries, which formerly consisted of the Contemporary Art Gallery, the Centre for Photography, Film, and Television, and the Benko Horvat Collection, Library, and Documentation Department. Prior to its separation, the institution also included Atelier Meštrović (today’s Meštrović Foundation), the Primitive Art Gallery (Croatian Museum of Naive Art), and the “Jozo Kljaković” Collection (now managed by Centre for Visual Art Education).”

We invite all congress delegates to joins us for a closing party and the award winning ceremony of the 2nd CEPIC Stock Photography Awards.



Museum of Contemprary Art (MSU)

Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb
Av. Dubrovnik 17
10 000 Zagreb