
Archived: CEPIC Congress: first impressions

My first CEPIC conference has come to an end. I came from New York with VisualSteam and really didn’t know what to expect. This European conference of the picture industry was really a global conference of smart and creative people. I met people from China, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Korea, Singapore…. and more. The sessions were filled, offering views on everything from the Business of Free to Metadata to Pitch Presentations. The table room, however, was the hub of activity, where business was conducted and friendships were born. Last night, the conference closed with an event at the Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art, in “new” Zagreb as we were told by our taxi driver. There was a large turnout and people were buzzing. We ate, drank and CEPIC gave out its photography awards to a packed room. With all the wonderful opportunities that CEPIC provides, the best of CEPIC really is its participants. Thanks to Sylvie, Carlos, Carola, and Diana for making me feel welcome and giving us all a great experience.