
Archived: Speaker of the Day: Johan Främst


Johan Främst, former chairman of BLF (Swedish Picture Suppliers Association), is speaker at the CEPIC Congress Seminar Fair Pricing which will be held on 25th May from 15:15 – 16:15 at the Sheraton Hotel in Zagreb.

Johan Främst is former chairman of BLF, The Swedish Picture Suppliers Association and founder of the Picture Agency Kamerapress. His career spans over more than thirty years encompasing different roles in various fields of the media industry: His previous positions include editorial photographer and picture editor, working on the inside of newspapers and picture agencies. For a number of years he worked as a television photographer for outside proadcast productions, studio shows and news gathering. He currently works as a part time communications officer at the BLF office in Stockholm and is an active member on the board of the Visual Copyright Society in Sweden and Bonus Copyright Access.