
Archived: Speaker of the Day: Gary Illyes


Gary Illyes, Google, will be speaking at the Google Workshop: Understanding Google Image Search and How to Optimize For It which is part of the CEPIC Congress. The seminar will held at the Martim proArte Hotel in Berlin on 31 May 2018 from 15:00 to 16:15.

Gary Illyes is a webmaster trends analyst dedicated to creating a better search experience for users by helping webmasters create amazing websites. When not crunching data to find ways to improve web search, Gary is contributing to the Webmaster Central Blog and helps users debug their websites in the Google Webmaster Forums. Prior joining Google in 2011, Gary was teaching online journalism in Romania and abroad. He was a technical consultant for several high profile media outlets, and he spent his free time on online forums helping webmasters troubleshoot web- and news-search related issues. He has studied IT at the University of Phoenix and ALSO holds an associate’s degree in journalism.