
Archived: Speaker of the Day: Isabelle Doran

Isabelle Doran

Isabelle Doran, Loupe Images, will be speaking about ”Protecting Image Copyright Online – Views From the Image Library Business” at the IPTC Metadata Conference which is part of the CEPIC Congress. The conference will held at the Martim proArte Hotel in Berlin on 31 June 2018.

Isabelle is the current chair of BAPLA, and Picture Library Manager at Loupe Images. She is also a board director of the British Copyright Council and the Alliance for IP. Throughout her 25-year career she has been both a supplier and client – previously working in the design sector, as well as at several picture libraries, including as a photography graduate at Tony Stone before it became Getty Images, and Magnum Photos. She completed a Masters in Museum Management in 2006, broadening her knowledge of the creative and cultural sector, before running Loupe Images for 12 years. Isabelle lobbies on copyright enforcement issues on behalf of BAPLA.