
Annual Industry Party

The Annual Industry Party 2015 took place on Friday, 5th June at the Forteca Kręglicki.

The historic fortress belongs to The Kręglicki Group and is located in a picturesque park behind Warsaw’s Old Town. The 450 sqm circular yard and its chambers will be the perfect setting for this year’s Annual Industry Party and Award Winning Ceremony of the 1st CEPIC Stock Photography Awards. A delightful buffet with Polish and international specialties is included in the entrace fee.

Fortress of Vladimir belongs to the ring of the fortifications around Warsaw Citadel. It was buid in 1852 when Poland was non-existing state shared between Russia, Prussia and Austria. Warsaw belonged to the Russian Partition as the center of the Congress Poland, a constitutional monarchy under Tsar. After the fall of the 1830 November Uprising the Tsar estabilished a military administration in Warsaw and started to erect Citadel and other fortifications used as an arsenal and a prison. One of them was the Fortress of Vladimir, which housed over 30 pieces of artillery, used to guard crossing the Vistula River. 3 storey fortress also had counterbattery shelters and it was surrounded by the moat with the shooting gallery.

Poles independence aspirations led to The January Uprising. The Fortress slopes were the place where Romuald Traugutt, the last supreme commander of the uprising was executed. At the beginnig of XX century the fortress served as the prison and the archive for the Warsaw Military District. In 1921 it was renamed to The Fortress of (Pilsudski) Legions. Nowadays its circular courtyard houses a restaurant, famous for excellent food and picturesque surrounding.


Forteca Kręglicki, 12 Zakroczymska Street, Warsaw

Note: A seven-min taxi drive connects the congress venue with the Forteca. If you prefer to walk through Warsaw’s Old Town, it will take you approx. 25 minutes.

This event is included in the registration fee. Register here

Extra tickets for 100 EUR excl. VAT can be purchased online.