
Archived: Speaker of the Day: Eugene Mopsik



Eugene Mopsik, Advocacy Strategist, will be speaking at the seminar “What the Future Holds for Picture Agencies: Emerging Revenues from Collecting Societies”. The seminar is part of the CEPIC Congress Programme and will be held on 15th June 2017 from 14:15h to 15:45h in Berlin at the Martim ProArte Hotel, Friedrichstrasse 151, Salon 8, 12th floor.

Eugene Mopsik has a long and distinguished record as an advocate for photographers and other visual artists and served as the Executive Director of the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) from 2003 to 2014. He is a passionate supporter of artists’ rights, earning him a high level of respect from artists’ organizations, publishers, industry partners, lawmakers and government agencies in the US and globally. Mopsik has participated in US Patent and Trademark Office hearings on Copyright Policy, Creativity, and Innovation in the Information Economy and delivered papers on Copyright and Collective Licensing at the Columbia University Kernochan Center. He has presented testimony to the House Committee on the Judiciary regarding the Role of Copyright, and participated in a symposium at the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology on the Future of Copyright. Currently, Mopsik advises American Photographic Artists (APA) on advocacy issues and serves on the boards of ASCRL (American Society for Collective Rights Licensing), The Fabric Workshop and Museum, the Copyright Alliance and the PLUS Coalition (Picture Licensing Universal System). Prior to his position at ASMP, his career was as a successful Philadelphia corporate/industrial photographer having graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.