
Archived: Speaker of the Day: Thierry Maillard

Thierry Maillard, ADAGP, will be speaking at the seminar “What the Future Holds for Picture Agencies: Emerging Revenues from Collecting Societies”.

The seminar is open to the public and will be held as part of the CEPIC Congress on 15th June 2017 from 14:00h to 15:30h in Berlin at the Martim ProArte Hotel.

Thierry Maillard is Legal Director at ADAGP (Société des auteurs dans les arts graphiques et plastiques), the French collective management organisation (CMO) in the field of visual arts. ADAGP manages copyrights for more than 130 000 authors (including inter alia painters, photographers, sculptors, designers, street artists, architects). He previously held the position of Head of Intellectual Property at HADOPI, the French administrative authority in charge of the fight against online piracy, after being Legal Officer at Ministry of Culture and Communication. He holds a PhD in Copyright Law.