
Archived: Speaker of the Day: Dr Christian Stein

Christian Stein_web

Dr Christian Stein, HU Berlin and co-founder of, will be speaking at the Roundtable Cultural Heritage: Awesome Opportunities with Technologies which is part of the CEPIC Congress. The seminar will held at the Martim proArte Hotel in Berlin on 1st June 2018.

Dr Christian Stein studied literary studies, linguistics and informatics at the Technical University Braunschweig. From 2009 to 2012 Christian Stein did his doctorate on “Primacy of Language – Leitmotif and Topology of the Subject in Arno Schmidt”, supervised by Prof. Stauf. At the same time, he worked on topics as terminology’s management and models of foreign language, bridging the areas linguistics, informatics and engineering. Modeling language and knowledge in interdisciplinary contexts turned out to be determining for his further engagement. Since 2012 he is pursuing his academic interests and researching with the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory Image Knowledge Gestaltung in the priority area “Knowledges of Architecture”. Key subjects in his work are semantic networks, spacial theory, epistemology of interdisciplinary and games in academia. As a co-founder he is working at the about the cultural technique of games and is creating a game for visitors of the upcoming Humboldt-Forum.