
Archived: Speaker of the Day: Frederik Truyen

Fred Truyen

Frederik Truyen, KU Leuven and Photo Consortium, will be speaking at the panel discussion Unlocking Archives with Innovation, Funding and Partnership which is part of the CEPIC Congress. The panel will held at the Martim proArte Hotel in Berlin on 1 June 2018.

Prof Dr Frederik Truyen is professor at the Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven active in the fields of Cultural Studies and Digital Humanities. He publishes on Digitization, Photography, and E-Learning. He is in charge of the mediaLab CS Digital. He is involved in projects on Open Educational Resources and Open Learning, and on Digitization of Cultural Heritage such as Europeana Photography, Europeana Space (EC CIP funding), Europeana DSI, Migration in the Arts and Sciences ( EC CEF funding) and DETECT (EC H2020 funding). He has experience in data modelling for Image databases in the cultural-historical field, currently in the project Cornelia. Fred Truyen is the president of Photo Consortium, an expert hub on photography which operates as thematic aggregator for, representing a centre of expertise and knowledge on digitization, image quality, metadata standards, indexing, cataloguing and controlled vocabularies, and best practices for the management of digital archives. Fred Truyen is part of the Europeana Member’s Council and member of DARIAH-VL.