
Archived: Speaker of the Day: Tai Kaish

Tai Kaish_web

Tai Kaish, WEMARK CEO, will be speaking at the seminar Can Blockchain Be Applied to the Photo Industry? which is part of the CEPIC Innovation Day. In addion to this, he will share his vision on new licensing models on the panel Alternative Ways to License Your Photography. Both seminars will be held at the Martim proArte Hotel in Berlin on 30 May 2018.


Tai has over 10 years of experience in digital marketing and growth hacking for Israeli top brands, organizations and startups (including Leumi Bank, Discount Bank, Weizmann institute for science, BufferZone, Paper Wallet and more). Tai is a guest lecturer and mentor for marketing and entrepreneurship in the IDC Herzliya international school, Elevation Academy and more.