Speaker for CEPIC Congress 2024 – Brendan Quinn

We are excited to introduce Brendan Quinn as a speaker at the upcoming CEPIC Congress 2024. Brendan brings a wealth of experience as the Managing Director of IPTC, a prominent industry standards body dedicated to advancing standards in the news and media industries.

Speaker for CEPIC Congress 2024 – John Balean

We are delighted to introduce John Balean as a speaker at the upcoming CEPIC Congress 2024. With three decades of experience in the image licensing industry, John brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the discussion on heritage photography and authenticity. Currently serving as the Operations Manager at Topfoto, one of Europe’s premier independently owned photographic archives, John plays a pivotal role in preserving and curating a vast collection of historical imagery.

Speaker for CEPIC Congress 2024 – Alan Capel

We are thrilled to announce Alan Capel as one of the esteemed speakers at the upcoming CEPIC Congress 2024. With a wealth of experience in the photography industry, Alan brings a unique perspective to the discussion on heritage photography and authenticity. As the Chief Commercial Officer at SmartFrame, a leading UK-based tech-led content business, Alan is at the forefront of driving revenue potential and protecting intellectual property for picture agencies and top sports brands.

Speaker for CEPIC Congress 2024 – Joël Halioua

We are delighted to introduce Joël Halioua as one of the speakers at the upcoming CEPIC Congress 2024. With over 30 years of experience as an independent photo editor and curator, Joël brings a wealth of expertise and insights to this year’s Congress.

Speaker for CEPIC Congress 2024 – Vered Horesh

We are thrilled to announce Vered Horesh as one of our speakers at the upcoming CEPIC Congress 2024. Vered brings a wealth of expertise and leadership in the field of ethical AI development, making her a valuable addition to our lineup of esteemed speakers.

Speaker for CEPIC Congress 2024 – Matthew Hibberd

We are thrilled to announce Matthew Hibberd as one of our speakers for the upcoming conference on “Authenticity in News,” organised in partnership with the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA).

Speaker for CEPIC Congress 2024 – Robert Kneschke

We are thrilled to announce Robert Kneschke as a speaker at the upcoming CEPIC Congress 2024. With nearly two decades of experience as a full-time photographer and image producer, Robert brings a wealth of expertise to the discussion on copyright infringement in the realm of generative AI.

Speaker for CEPIC Congress 2024 – Nancy Wolff

We are delighted to announce that Nancy Wolff will be joining us as a distinguished speaker at CEPIC Congress 2024! Nancy will be sharing her wealth of knowledge and expertise at the conference session titled “How Ethical is AI Law? Exploring the Ethical Dimensions of AI Law around the World,” alongside other esteemed panellists.

Speaker for CEPIC Congress 2024 – Stéphanie de Roquefeuil

We are thrilled to introduce Stéphanie de Roquefeuil as one of our esteemed speakers at CEPIC Congress 2024! Stéphanie will be leading an insightful session titled “How Ethical is AI Law? Exploring the Ethical Dimensions of AI Law around the World,” scheduled for Wednesday, May 15th at 14:00.

Speaker for CEPIC Congress 2024 – Anthony Level

We are thrilled to announce another speaker joining the lineup for this year’s CEPIC Congress: Anthony Level, AI Regulatory and Legal Strategy Lead at IMATAG.

With over two decades of expertise in digital law, intellectual property, and AI regulation, Anthony brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the forefront of our discussions.