Survey on Google Images closing on 28 August

Have you taken ten minutes of your time to defend our industry?

CEPIC has been requested by the European Commission to send information on the use of Google Images. We have data from 79 agencies so far, from all across Europe.

Antitrust: Commission sends Statement of Objections to Google on comparison shopping service; opens separate formal investigation on Android

The European Commission has sent a Statement of Objections to Google alleging the company has abused its dominant position in the markets for general internet search services in the European Economic Area (EEA) by systematically favouring its own comparison shopping product in its general search results pages. The Commission’s preliminary view is that such conduct infringes EU antitrust rules because it stifles competition and harms consumers. Sending a Statement of Objections does not prejudge the outcome of the investigation.

Ms Vestager sends out first questionnaires to “Google rivals”

European Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said at a press conference in Brussels that she is “seeking fresh information from online map and travel companies about competition in the market,” as she moves forward with her antitrust investigation of Google, according to the Wall Street Journal. “We have sent questionnaires to a number of people in … Continued

ICOMP Statement on European Parliament’s Resolution

“Given Google’s dominance in search and search advertising, and its persistent discrimination against rivals in downstream markets (such as video, maps, comparison shopping, travel, local etc), it is unsurprising that critics are concerned by what economists describe as ‘vertical leveraging’.