
Archived: Speaker of the Day: Ismo Malinen

Ismo Malinen_web

Ismo Malinen, Finnish Heritage Agency, will be speaking at the Roundtable Cultural Heritage: Awesome Opportunities with Technologies which is part of the CEPIC Congress. The seminar will held at the Martim proArte Hotel in Berlin on 1st June 2018.

Chief Intendant, MA Ismo Malinen is the Head of Picture collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency, a National Heritage Authority with collections of over 15 million images. He is an experienced heritage professional who has been working with museum collections and exhibitions almost 20 years. Since 2009 Ismo has been active in developing and coordinating digitization and wider use of collections, especially photography collections. Ismo is a member of a digitalization working group at the Finnish Heritage Agency. He is also involved in a project on participatory approaches to cultural heritage, CultureLabs (EC H2020 funding). Ismo is a member of PhotoConsortium, an expert hub for Picture archive and agency professionals.