
CEPIC Congress Programme 2019

This program is in progress and subject to change. Feel free to make propositions.
If you are interested in participating in one of the conferences, please contact us. 

 Tuesday, 4 June
Time Description Note
13.00 to 18.00 CEPIC AGM

The Annual General Meeting provides a report on CEPIC’s activities. It is open to CEPIC members only. Please contact us if you wish to attend.

Fédération Française des Agence de Presse
FFAP – 24 rue du faubourg Poissonnière – 75010 Paris


 Wednesday, 5 June
Time Description Note
9.00 to 17.00


Collect your badge and Congress bag.

Salon de l’Aveyron, Paris Bercy
17 Rue de l’Aubrac, 75012 Paris (France)

9.00 to 19.00

Table Networking Area

For efficient networking and meetings, we have 65 tables for CEPIC delegates and for PIXDAY exhibitors.

Aubrac and Grands Causses

9.15 to 9.45

Coffee Break

 Arrival of participants, networking in the lobby and in the Table Area.

10.00 to 11.45

Le marché et la création. Market and Creativity Conference (in French)

Comment concilier le marché et la création? Making Media and Images Financially Sustainable? 

Alors que la directive européenne des droits d’auteur dans le marché numérique récemment adoptée établit un nouveau droit voisin pour les éditeurs de presse, cette table ronde en français abordera les différents modèles de financement des médias et des agences de presse photo à l’heure du numérique. Comment ce droit voisin va-t-il être mis en oeuvre concrètement? Comment combattre le piratage de manière efficace? Quel est le coût du contenu?

While the recently adopted Copyright Directive in the single market establishes a new neighbouring right for press publishers and press agencies, including press picture agencies, this round table will deal with the different models to finance the media, such as the  neigbouring right for press publishers and how to implement it. Other topics covered are the cost of production and the cost of piracy.

10:00 – 10:15 : Introduction by Alfonso Gutierrez (CEPIC President) and Christophe Ralite (CEO PixWays/ PixDay)

10:15 – 11:45 : Round Table including a half an hour for Q&A

Moderator: Didier Falcand (CEO Les Clés de la Presse)

Speakers: Florence Braka (Executive Director SAPHIR/ FFAP), Olivier Brillanceau (Executive Director SAIF), Jean-Marie Cavada (Member European Parliament, former journalist), Marie-Anne Ferry-Fall (Executive Director ADAGP), Jean-Frédéric Farny (CEO EDD), Fabrice Fries  (President AFP), a representative of the French Ministery of Culture, more to be announced.

Salle Levezou

This conference ends at 11.45. A set up break follows for the lunch break.

12.30 to 14.00 Lunch Break

French cuisine for CEPIC delegates, PixDay delegates and picture buyers.

Salle Levezou

Lunch ends at 14.00. A set up break follows for the next conference.

14.30 to 15.45

Google Workshop
presented by Google

Google will present a workshop on two topics. Firstly, Anna Dickson will discuss the role that visual experiences play across various Google products. Then, Francois Spies will recap some of the changes made to Google Images recently, and will preview a key new feature launch.


Anna Dickson (Visual Lead, Google Images

François Spies (Product Manager, Google Images)

Anna Dickson manages a team of image professionals who specialize in imagery at scale. From curation to creation, her team works with products to understand their imagery needs, provide expert guidance, assist with imagery gaps and help to train classifiers to improve image results. In additional to content, she collaborates with infrastructure and machine learning teams on centralization of assets and image understanding. Prior to Google, Dickson led photography teams at The Huffington Post, The Wall Street Journal and IHeartRadio

Francois Spies is a Product Manager on Google Images, where he works with designers and software engineers to build new features that not only delights Google’s users, but also ensures that Google is a responsible partner to the wider imagery provider ecosystem. Francois has a Master’s degree from INSEAD in France and is based in Mountain View, California. 

Salle Levezou

16.00 to 16.30

 Coffee Break

16.30 to 17.30

Le marché et la création. Market and Creativity Conference (in English)

The Challenge of Finding the Right Image

Conference on sourcing and licensing images in the 21st century – Quality v. Quantity – Getting the right image at the right price. The life of an image on the web: from its production to its diffusion. This round table will feature picture buyers and picture sellers together with technology providers.

Moderator: Alexander Karst (CEO Die Bildbeschaffer)

Round Table and Q&A: Marie Docher (Photographer, MYX), Sergi Griño (CEPIC Board Member, CEO Album, Ardito), Magdalena Herrera (Director of Photography, GEO France), Antoine Kimmerlin (Editorial Manager MYOP, member of CLAP), Aurélie Lacouchie (Image Collection Manager INRIA, Board Member of ANI – Association Nationale des Iconographes), Sylvaine Lecoeur (Sales Director PixWay), Laurent Nuyen (Executive Creative Director, BABEL agency), 

Salle Levezou

19.00  Congress closes PIXDAY and CEPIC Congress table area closes.
19.00 to 21.00 PIXDAY Soirée sponsored by FNAPPI

Open to all PIXDAY and CEPIC Congress delegates.

Salle Levezou


 Thursday, 6 June
Time Description Note
9.00 to 16.00


Collect your badge and Congress bag.

Salon de l’Aveyron, Paris Bercy
17 Rue de l’Aubrac, 75012 Paris (France)

9.00 to 18.00

Table Area

For efficient networking and meetings, we have 50 tables for CEPIC delegates.

Aubrac and Grands Causses

9.15 to 9.30

Coffee Break


9.30 to 11.30

sponsored by Imatag

Technological Solutions for the European Copyright Directive and the Fight Against Fake News

The European Copyright Directive in the single digital market, recently voted, aims to induce revenue sharing between platforms, press publishers and news agencies as well as content creators and to offer them a better control of their productions. To achieve this it is essential first to identify the contents second to enable their traceability. As a result these tools will also help the fight against the spread of fake news. More

Speakers: Thierry Secretan (Imatag CSO), Gérald Holubowicz (Libération), Ewa Kijak (Rennes University) and Mathieu Desoubeaux (Imatag CEO)

Salle Carlades

12.30 to 14.00

Lunch Break

French cuisine for CEPIC delegates.

Salle Levezou

14.00 to 18.00

IPTC Metadata Conference

Profiting from Photo Metadata

Putting IPTC Metadata to Work for your Image Collections

In use for over 25 years, IPTC’s photo metadata standard is the Lingua Franca of photo business around the globe. It is also one of the best investments in 2019 for maximizing profit in the high volume fast paced world of digital photo search and sales. The Conference addresses the question Do we still need photo metadata in 2019? and offer answers on “How to improve creating and editing photo metadata” and “How to profit from photo metadata”. More

Speakers: Lúí Smyth (Shutterstock), N.N. (AFP), Simon Brown (Deep 3D), Andrew Wiard (BPPA), Isabelle Wirth (AFP), Andreas Gnutzmann (Fotoware)Stéphane Guérillot (AFP), Anna Dickson (Google), Mayank Sagar (Image Data Systems), Sarah SaundersMichael Steidl and Brendan Quinn (IPTC).

Salle Carlades

16.00 to 16.30

Coffee Break

Coffee Break for CEPIC Congress and Metadata Conference delegates.


18.00 Congress closes The entire CEPIC Congress area will be closed at 18.00.
20.00 to 23.00 CEPIC Soirée sponsored by Adobe at Chai 33

This event is open only to CEPIC Congress delegates. More

Friday, 7 June
Time Description Note
9.00 to 16.00 Registration

Collect your badge and Congress bag.

Salon de l’Aveyron, Paris Bercy
17 Rue de l’Aubrac, 75012 Paris (France)

9.00 to 18.00

Table Networking Area

For efficient networking and meetings, we have 50 tables for CEPIC delegates.

Aubrac and Grands Causses

9.15 to 10.00 Coffee Break

10:00 to 12:30


Legal and Strategic Workshop with Round Tables

sponsored by the law firms Cabinet Reynalt-Perret, Cowan, DeBeats, Abrahams & Sheppard LLP, Ginger Legal and PixTrakk.

After the EU Copyright Directive

The adoption of the EU Copyright Directive raises the hope of a change in paradigm when it comes to the management of rights online. However, its adoption also raises a number of issues and challenges in terms of implementation. The round tables will assess these challenges and participants present their expectations. How will technical implementation look like? May implementation vary between EU member States? How will the various stakeholders along the value chain work together? Where are the challenges? Last but not least which legislative objectives have not been met and what is still to be done in the next coming years to reach these objectives?

The workshop will focus on the following topics:

  1. Neighbouring Rights (press publishers’ rights, publishers compensation claims, neighbouring rights in photography)
  2. Collective Management of Digital Rights
  3. Open Data and Public Domain

10.00 H: Closed workshop: Led by moderators, specialised lawyers and interested professionals will discuss and work out strategies for the future 

11.30 H: Public session: The results of the Round Tables are presented at the end of the sessions in a synthesised form to all groups and to the CEPIC audience in Salle Carlades.

This is a public session open to CEPIC delegates with presentations by Eleonora Rosati and Valérie Laure Bénabou, followed by a Q&A.

Participation in the closed workshop is on invitation of CEPIC. More than 30 international and French legal and copyright professionals have registered for this workshop. Their names are available in the list of participants. More

Salle Carlades and Segala

12.30 to 14.00 Lunch Time

French cuisine for CEPIC delegates.

Salle Levezou

18.00 Congress closes The entire CEPIC Congress area will be closed.
Remember to leave all your items ready for collection.