
Archived: AI Day Conference Programme

Archived: AI Day Conference Programme

 Up-Dated: 28.04.2023 (Conference Programme may be subject to change)

The AI Day is Included in CEPIC Congress participation Conferences may be attended by anyone interested in the intersection of AI and visual communications, including photo and press agencies, photographers, designers, marketers, heritage professionals and technologists.

for 105, – € for the whole day and 70, – € for the Annual Industry Party

 Registration to AI Day only

 Fees and Registration | CEPIC

 All Speakers Bios


Thursday 11th May

Everything You Need To Know About Artificial Intelligence

9:00 18:00 H Congress Opens at 9:00 H and closes at 18:00 H – The registration desk is open for latecomers.
Visit Trade Partners in the  Table Area located in the GOULD Room
9:15 17:00 H How does AI impact Photography
      Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact and gained such momentum in the last year alone. Today, we examine the different opportunities and challenges in this period of seismic change from the AI-powered photo editing tools that allow for faster and more efficient editing of images. AI algorithms can analyze images and identify specific objects and scenes within them. This technology is used in a variety of applications, including image search engines, photo organization tools, and image-based advertising. AI can also be used to restore old or damaged photographs, bringing new life to historical images. Last but not least AI can generate totally new images – Generative AI. These fast technological changes have far-reaching ethical and legal implications. Thursday will be entirely devoted to the big AI issues with experts and specialists in the field.
9:15 09:45 H KEYNOTE Stefan Britton, Senior Director, New Business and Innovation Solutions, Shutterstock
      From Digital Beats to AI Masterpieces: Learning from Music’s Digital Evolution for Art’s AI Revolution
      Join Shutterstock’s Stefan Britton as he explores the connections between the music industry’s digital revolution and the current emergence of AI-generated art. From historical context and technological breakthroughs to artists’ reactions to these game-changing moments, learn what lessons we can apply to the rapidly evolving world of AI content. We will cover the opportunities and challenges of AI in the creative space, with a focus on Shutterstock’s commitment to responsible, ethical innovation.
In the FITZGERALD Room, 3rd Floor
10:00 10:45 H Coffee Break in GOULD AREA (Table Area)
      Coffee will be also served in the Espace Méditerranée next to the FITZGERALD Room !
      CEPIC Logo 4c - 60
09:45 11:00 H  Artificial Intelligence and the Law: Navigating Ethical and Legal Challenges
      Text & Data Mining Exceptions around the world: Art. 3 & 4 of EU Copyright Directive, UK legislation, Singapore legislation, Israel Fair Use, Fair Use in the US?  
      Why Biometric Rights Matter: How bio-metric rights will influence the development of AI

It takes five months to make a law, and even longer to change practices, but technology does not wait. Artificial intelligence has already invested the creative industries while the basic ethical questions are not solved and the legal issues are barely formulated.

Furthermore the race between nations to become the world center of innovation in artificial intelligence has begun. Between ethical considerations and economic pressures, which way will be chosen by the major legislations, from the US to China?

Our panel brings together legal experts from different backgrounds. The focus will be on copyright and on privacy. As AI becomes more advanced, questions are raised about who owns the copyright in AI generated works and how they should be protected. There are also concerns about how privacy and data protection are affected and if existing laws, such as GDPR, are suficient or outdated to regulate AI.

      Moderator: Sylvie Fodor, Executive Director CEPIC
  9:45 H Introduction
  9:50 H
  • Florian Koempel, IP lawyer, UK on international IP law reform competition, from the USA to China over the EU, UK, Israel, Singapore etc. (video conference)
  10:00 H
  • Yordanka Ivanoka, DG Connect  European Commission, on the state of play in the EU 
    (video conference)
  10:10 H
  •  First Q & A session
  10:20  H
  • Stéphanie de Roquefeuil, UPP (Union des Photographes Professionnels), France
    From the point of view photographers and a country with high copyright standards
  10:30 H
  10:50 H
  • Second Q & A Session
      In the FITZGERALD Room, 3rd Floor
11:00 11.30 H Generative AI as business opportunity

Join our expert panelists as they delve into the world of generative AI.

With AI technology revolutionizing the licensed stock media industry, it is crucial to understand how to leverage your library and actually generate revenue on the heals of this explosion. This panel discussion will focus on legally clean image datasets and how you can prepare your library to meet the growing demand for clean, diverse, and representative data.

The panelists will also discuss how joining the Dataset Shop can help make generative AI ethical, while also providing a source of revenue for copyright holders and ensuring their rights are protected. This is a unique opportunity to learn how to leverage your stock photo library and become a part of the clean data movement.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to gain valuable insights into the content business and the role of AI, and learn how you can make a positive impact in the fight for ethical AI. Join us for what promises to be a dynamic and informative discussion!

      Moderator: Mark Milstein, Rainmaker at VAIsual
      Speakers on-site:
  • Alan Capel, Director of Business Transformation at Alamy
      In the FITZGERALD Room, 3rd Floor  
11:30 12:00 H  Presentation of CEPIC’s work in the realm of copyright, law enforcement and AI
      CEPIC Logo 4c - 60
  • Copyright Enforcement Guidelines
      Moderator: Valérie Théveniaud-Violette, Working Group Coordinator
12:00 12:30 H Copyright Enforcement and AI

 The panel will explore how copyright infringement companies may deal with cases involving AI generated content. We will have views from both sides of the Atlantic and different juridictions.

We will present concrete examples.

Moderator: Valérie Théveniaud-Violette

  • Kain Jones, Pixsycopyright enforcement company, Germany
      In the FITZGERALD Room, 3rd Floor
12:30 14:00 H Lunch in GOULD AREA (Table Area)
14:00 15:00 H In the Brave New World of AI, Content Authenticity Is More important than Ever

The Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) is a coalition of over 1000 members focused on bringing authenticity to creative content and restoring trust in media, through provenance technology. For the past 3 years, the CAI has developed open specifications, open-source software, and active collaborations between camera manufacturers, software makers, governments, journalists, and human rights defenders to ensure that consumers can know the origins history of their content and creators can take credit for their work. This year, with the mainstreaming of generative AI, is an important year of action and impact for the initiative.

Andy Parsons, director of the Content Authenticity Initiative, will provide an up-date. Andy will explain the technology and its potential, provide updates on the latest CAI and C2PA standard developments, and describe the critical and exciting path forward.

Paul Melcher, a respected industry expert, will moderate the conference, guiding the discussion and ensuring a seamless event. Thierry Secretan, a renowned photojournalist and Imatag evangelist will present the impact of AI in the news, providing valuable insights and exploring the challenges and opportunities it presents. To conclude the conference, Mathieu Desoubeaux, Imatag CEO, will showcase a demonstration of a CAI-compliant Provenance Service, highlighting the practical application of this groundbreaking technology and offering attendees a glimpse into the future of content authentication.


Speakers: Andy Parsons, Content Authenticity Initiative, Adobe ; Mathieu Desoubeaux, Thierry Secretan, Paul Melcher IMATAG, Rob Sewell SmartFrame

      In the FITZGERALD Room, 3rd Floor
15:00 15:45 H Is AI hijacking Art?

An exciting panel of experts will discuss whether ‘AI-generated art’ is the product of human endeavour using creative tools, or a machine derivative work?  We will try to answer the question: Where will AI-generated work sit in the pantheon of art? Our panellists will address the terminology, do we need new definitions for photography, artist, copyright, review the benefits for the cultural sector and the ethical and legal rivers to cross.

Boris Eldagsen, a photographer and a self-proclaimed ‘promptographer’, has just refused the Sony WOP prize and joins our panel of experts to discuss whether ‘AI-generated art’ is the product of human endeavour using creative tools, or a machine derivative work?  We will try to answer the question: Where will AI-generated work sit in the pantheon of art? 

      Monderator: Andrea Stern, Consultant to cultural heritage institutions  
  • Boris Eldagsen, photographer, declined the Sony World Photography Awards 2023 on the ground that it was #AI generated (video conference)
  • Isabelle Doran, Association of Photograhers (video conference)
15:45 16:45 H Seminar on Up-Date on EU legislation, including AI legislation  
      EANA logo versmall
      Copyright Directive and DSA legislation, AI Act
      Although we are some years away from the moment the EU Copyright Directive was adopted, there is still no unitary implementation at national levels across the EU. On top of that, discussions about copyright in the age of AI are a lot different from just one year ago, with new EU legislation on AI in the works. Can we see how the future of media will look like under the circumstances?
      TOPICS EU Copyright Directive State of Implementation (notably art. 3 and 4 (AI), 15 (publishers right), 17 (platform liability)
        DSA: What rules for the gate keepers of the Internet, how does it impact the visual media licensing industry?
        AI Act: first step in regulating AI?
      Moderator: Alexander Giboi, Secretary General EANA, European Alliance of News Agencies
      Speakers on-site:
  • Elmir Huremovic, director general of the FENA news agency in Bosnia&Herzegovina  
      In the FITZGERALD Room, 3rd Floor
16:15 17:00 H Coffee Break in the GOULD Room (Table Area)
17:00 18:00 H  Visit Trade Partners located in the GOULD Room
  18:00 H Congress Closes
20:00 23:30 H Annual Industry Party



The Annual Industry Party will take place at the Pirate Beach, 5 minutes on foot from the Antipolis Congress Center. 

The beach Les Pirates is a treasures island and a gourmet restaurant, on the edge of the Pine Forest of Juan les Pins. It is a magical place with its long golden sandy beach and its pontoons facing the Mediterranean … 

Buffet with Italian accent, wine

Link to post

       Website:  Plage Restaurant les Pirates Juan les Pins (